Next time you see Gaetz ask him if he meant he didn’t have any questions on the Chinese ballon incident but what about the other 3 objects does he still have questions for those?

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Was such an insane response -- but he thought i was asking a different question OR he's seen behind the veil. He hasn't seen behind the veil...

Like no one on that stage -- or in all of Congress who I know of!!!! -- says their baloon questions are answered. None. In all Congress.

Knowing Gaetz on UAPs -- and knowing him -- he heard a different question. 100%

Or he evaded hard core. But like, literally, nothing to evade there. So, honestly (and I have kicked myself for how I didn't press him on it!!!!! Daily. Since...), think he thought I was playing 5 dimensional chess (we have a history...) when I was playing dominos...

Though I f***** up and asked 2 questions instead of 1. He chose the one he wanted to answer (and seems to have bungled his actual thinking in the process of evading the other...).

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I don’t understand why Burchett would want to limit disclosure only to “publicly known” sightings? That wouldn’t include DOD or IC “Black Projects” that aren’t known to the public. If he’s all revved up for “total disclosure” this falls well short of the mark.

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It's just written poorly written bill, despite his best intentions IMO

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They all seem to be wanting to answer different questions, at least in part when it comes to particulars.

Mosaic coming into focus? Naw, they can't even pass poorly written bills...

Or maybe that is the portrait...

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