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Powerful HASC Dem: “Not a word" spoken about Schumer's UAPDA in NDAA negotiations w/ Himes, HPSCI

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Powerful HASC Dem: “Not a word" spoken about Schumer's UAPDA in NDAA negotiations w/ Himes, HPSCI

Ep. 266 — Rep. Joe Courtney (8-19-2024)
Outside looking in at the one public 2023 NDAA hearing. Photo: Matt Laslo


Rep. Joe Courtney (D-CT) — second highest ranking Democrat on HASC; ranking member on Armed Services Committee’s Seapower & Projection Forces Subcommittee

*Our sincerest apologies. We thought we posted this after covering the DNC in Chicago in August, but Ask a Pol founder Matt Laslo got laid out with COVID after the convention, signals got crossed within our tiny team and at it fell through the cracks.

But, please know: Ask a Pol never stopped pressing Congress on the UAPDA and the NDAA…

LISTEN: Laslo & Courtney


Ask a Pol asks:

Sen. Mike Rounds told Ask a Pol the House Intel Committee gutted Schumer’s UAPDA amendment to the NDAA — National Defense Authorization Act — last year. Have you ever discussed UAPs with Intel. Ranking Member Jim Himes, your fellow Connecticut Democrat?

Key Courtney: 

“Not much, to be honest,” Rep. Joe Courtney exclusively told Ask a Pol. “[House Intelligence Committee Ranking Democrat] Jim [Himes] never approached me or anybody on the Intel.” 

ICYMI — Ask a Pol’s exclusive w/ Sen. Rounds

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Below find a rough transcript of Ask a Pol’s exclusive interview with Rep. Joe Courtney (D-CT), slightly edited for clarity.


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TRANSCRIPT: Rep. Joe Courtney

SCENE: In August, just off the floor of the Democratic National Convention — or DNC — in Chicago, Ask a Pol bumped into Congressman Joe Courtney, the second most senior Democrat on the House Armed Services Committee (HASC), so we asked for an update on backdoor NDAA politics.

Matt Laslo: “Can I get you real quick?”

Joe Courtney: “Sure.”

ML: “I gotta start with an issue I brought up to you before. You’re on Armed Services [Committee]?”

The House side of the US Capitol at dusk. Photo: Matt Laslo

JC: “Yes.”

ML: “Have you ever discussed UAPs with Jim Himes?”

JC: “What?”

ML: “Have you ever discussed UAPs — or UFOs — with Jim Himes?”

JC: “Umm, not much, to be honest with ya”

ML: “Yeah?”

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