Ask a Pol UAPs
Ask a Pol UAPs
Burlison giving leaked name of potential witness to Chair Mace ahead of Nov. 13 UAP hearing

Burlison giving leaked name of potential witness to Chair Mace ahead of Nov. 13 UAP hearing

Ep. 277 — Rep. Eric Burlison (9-25-2024)
Burlison speaks during UAP press conference (2023). Photo: Matt Laslo


Rep. Eric Burlison (R-MO) — Congressional UAP Caucus; Oversight Committee

LISTEN: Laslo & Burlison


Ask a Pol asks:

What do you make of the Nov. 13th UAP hearing?

Key Burlison: 

“Oh?” Rep. Eric Burlison replies.

You haven’t heard of it?

“No,” Burlison exclusively tells Ask a Pol. “Okay, now that I know, I'm going to give them a name of a witness, cause I have had somebody leak a name to me of somebody that would basically, like — knows a lot.”

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ICYMI — EXCLUSIVE w/ Burchett on Nov. 13 witnesses

What’s up with UAPDA and NDAA?

“It'll all depend on who's gonna be the next president,” Burlison says.

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Caught our ear:

Have you ever been to a briefing on the James Webb Space Telescope?

“No,” Burlison tells us.

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Below find a rough transcript of Ask a Pol’s exclusive interview with Rep. Eric Burlison (R-MO), slightly edited for clarity.


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TRANSCRIPT: Rep. Eric Burlison

SCENE: After missing each other during a vote series earlier in the frantic last week Congress was in town until after the Nov. 5th election, Burlison sees Ask a Pol’s Matt Laslo outside the Capitol ahead of one of their last pre-October recess votes.

Eric Burlison: “I've been doing good. How are you?”

Matt Laslo: “Got my pulse — that’s half the battle.”

EB: “I'm ready to go home for sure.”

ML: “Right? First off — have you ever been to a briefing on the James Webb Space Telescope?

EB: “No.”

ML: “No? Interesting. What do you make of the hearing you guys are gonna have Nov. 13th?

Burlison looks perplexed.

ML: “UAP Caucus?”

EB: “Oh?”

ML: “Oh, you’ve not heard of it?”

EB: “No.”

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ML: “I guess [Rep.] Nancy Mace is gonna chair it this time around…”

EB: “Good.”

ML: “…but she's been working with [Reps.] Burchett and Luna.”

EB: “Okay.”

ML: “Yeah?”

EB: “Well, good. I wonder who's gonna be testifying?”

ML:They haven't released it publicly yet, but I think they actually know some of the people they've been trying to get.”

EB: “Okay, now that I know, I'm going to give them a name.”

ML: “Oh, cool.”

EB: “Cause I have had somebody leak a name to me….”

ML: “Nice.”

EB: “…of somebody that would basically, like — knows a lot.”

Burlison gives ‘that’s all i can say’ look.

ML: “Nice. Have you read Elizondo's new book? Lue Elizondo's new book?”

EB: “No, huh?”

ML: “I think it's called Imminent. But he was just, like, on the Daily Show. He's been doing the circuit.“

EB: “Okay. I'll look for it.”

ML: “Yeah, I'd be curious about your thoughts. What happened with the NDAA? I guess it's still kind of alive, because you guys aren't gonna deal with it until after the election? But [Senate Majority Leader Chuck] Schumer's UAPDA was on the table, but it seems to be off? But [Sen. Mike] Rounds, his co-sponsor, said he's still holding out hope that they can...”

EB: “That Schumer is?”

ML: “Yeah, that they can still get it in. Maybe a manager’s amendment or something?”

EB: “Yeah, that would be great.”

ML: “But — because NDAA, you guys don't wrap that up until after the election?”

EB: “Right. So that'll be — and it'll all depend on who's gonna be the next president.”


ML: “Right?”

EB: “It’ll impact everything.”

ML: “How's your race looking?”

EB: “Mine is great. I'm from a district that is predominantly red. It's a very Republican district. So my big race is usually the primary.”

ML: “Yeah? Did you get primaried this time?”

EB: “I did, yeah, and I got it. So the first primary that I ran, it was the most difficult. It was very contentious and heated. And I had all this outside money come in and attack me. I had millions of dollars in dark money.”

ML: “But you beat it off?”

EB: “But — yeah, because...”

ML: “That's why money can't buy you everything.”

EB: “I think the thing is, when DC runs an attack ad on something about somebody from the district, I think the public understands that. But also, they didn't understand that, like, my constituents, they knew me. I was like a known brand. And when they're saying these things about me, the people in my district are like, ‘Hey, I know that that's a lie, but how...’ They would ask, ‘Where's the kernel? Is there anything in the kernel of that?’ So people didn't believe any of the ads.”

ML: “Was that [former Speaker Kevin] McCarthy money? From McCarthy bank?”

EB: “I don't know.”

ML: “Yeah? It's weird that he's still playing puppet master. Like, dude, you got ousted.”

EB: “Right.”

ML: “Que sera sera. Have a good one.”

EB: “Okay, you too. Take care.”


Sorry this transcript isn’t as clean as usual, blame it on the vice presidents, though ping us with questions (or typos…).

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