Wonderful work, Matt. The trust they put in you is so clear, giving us taxpayers the candor and nuance that this topic deserves. Have a wonderful weekend!

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They were all very good. Burlison's take was unique and interesting af.

Thanks for busting your hump on this! Take care.

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Do you what is burlison’s world view?

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the burlison one is quite illuminating, an exclusive perspective not seen in any of the interviews post-hearing so far.

thank you very much for your work on this matt, i'll be riding this with you to the end!

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Awesome work, Matt! (I’m @Surfmurph on X)

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"He says interdimensional" - I really hope this is Grusch's fantasy because that makes this even more asymmetric than it already is.

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IIRC Grusch stated that as a hypothesis, not necessarily as a matter of fact like how Rep. Luna presented it. Point is, origins are basically unknown.

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