Jun 15·edited Jun 15Liked by Matt Laslo

Man, I appreciate Garcia trying to keep the pressure on house leaders by introducing these bills, but I don't like that he's trying to push a partisan narrative here. So far, UAPs have been one of the only bipartisan topics, and if we want progress we need to keep it that way.

The executive is currently a democrat, and that's where the real issue resides. Yes, house leaders do need to be more supportive of allowing these amendments/hearings to go through, but the executive needs to be more forthcoming with this information. We wouldn't need house hearings if Biden would declassify and disclose everything.

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Jun 15Liked by Matt Laslo

Biden is an establishment candidate to the max IMO. Dubious of him disclosing anything. That would be like hoping someone with the last name “Bush” would. Biden and McConnell are big buds and we see where he resides on this issue.

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I agree - I don’t think Biden nor Trump would disclose. So we do need congress to push for it. I just meant that Garcia should not be pushing a partisan angle when both parties have been complicit in hiding information from the public. If this devolves into a partisan fight, we won’t ever have disclosure

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Meh. Biden is caving (partially) on cannabis even though he’s a teetotaling fan of the ‘war on drugs.’ Trump changes positions based on last group of supporters that had his ear.

Politics over principles these tribal days, so we see all of them as utterly pliable pols, depending on the polls…

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Yeah I feel like pushing the partisan aspect is a new strategy being employed to take the oxygen from the fire of this. Its clever and more indirect and I think their hope is that today’s hyper partisan politics will take that ball of ineffectiveness and run with it like they do on every other issue almost (which is why Washington is so horribly ineffective).

When I see this popping up with popular names in our own community it makes me doubt either their intent or intellect pretty greatly because it’s the most obvious way to kill this IMO. Open your eyes, this is the most effective to kill ALL issues.

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I don’t get much of a partisan narrative from this transcript, are there other comments from Garcia that I’m missing?

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Made him sweat 😓

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Jun 15Liked by Matt Laslo

Very stark contrast to Schumer and Rounds. Senate seems like a fine wine while the house feels like a skunky can of keystone that fell behind the garage refrigerator for 4 years when it comes to sophistication.

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Fine? Maybe a better than average two buck chuck…

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I grew up going to Walmart so my standards are probably less sophisticated ;). Maybe the wine comes in a box?

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Jun 15·edited Jun 15Liked by Matt Laslo

"And I think it keeps steady pressure on the majority to kind of get it out."

"I mean, right now it's on the majority to schedule more public hearings"

If you listen to the audio vs just read, it sound more like partisan talk

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Jun 15Liked by Matt Laslo

It’s his original X message which seemed a bit disingenuous. Rep Grothman, a Republican, cosponsored one of the UAP amendments that got batted down and he started saying “GOP Leadership is blocking us”. Messaging needs to be more granular to the specific reps and not use political buzzwords IMO. “Mike Turner, Mike Rogers and Mike Johnson blocked this” would be more appropriate IMO.

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No president is going to get out ahead of congress and the general public on this issue. It would only lead to division. The congress and private sector need to lead in getting information spread and the public slowly acclimated to the idea. Then the president will validate what everyone already assumes.

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It is an election year. Bipartisanship is going to be at record lows. Let’s hope the Senate plays less politics with regard to UAP legislation.

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