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On Trump's TikTok reversal, Sen. Hawley says "I think he was right the first time"

On Trump's TikTok reversal, Sen. Hawley says "I think he was right the first time"

Ep. 4 — Sen. Josh Hawley (3-14-2024)
Washington. Photo: Matt Laslo


Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) — Judiciary Committee

Hawley’s asked:

What do you make of Donald Trump reversing course on the TikTok divestment effort — when he was in office, he tried to force the sale?

Key Hawley: 

“I think he was right the first time. I remember talking to him about this at some length four years ago now, and, you know, I thought he was right,” Hawley told the congressional press corps.


LISTEN: Laslo & Hawley


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Below find a rough transcript of Ask a Pol’s interview with Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO), slightly edited for clarity.

TRANSCRIPT: Sen. Josh Hawley

Josh Hawley: “That’s all fine, but just not owned by a company subject to Chinese national security laws. That’s the alarming thing.”

Reporter: “What do you make of Donald Trump reversing course. I mean, when he was in office, he tried to force the sale?”

JH: “Yeah — force a sale. Yeah, yeah. I think he was right the first time. I remember talking to him about this at some length four years ago now, and, you know, I thought he was right.”

Reporter: “Yeah?”

Reporter #2: “Thank you.”

JH: “Yeah. See you soon.”

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