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This level of stonewalling is exactly what I expect from an arm of the government so paranoid about its secrecy it's convinced that even US Congress or the US public even knowning the dollar amounts spent on these compartmented programs. I highly doubt China has wildly advanced drones over our bases, if they did, they wouldn't have used balloons. China stole designs for both the F-35 and F-22 and used them in their own new aircraft, yet a clear technological difference level exists between China's and ours. However Im not saying there aren't drones flown by CCP agents on US soil. I am saying China isn't technologically capable of what UFO/UAP/USOs have been observed to do. Respectfully Eric Burlison, the China discussion has its own committee and the way your statement sounds, it seems you're trying to lead people away. I get the need of national security, but it almost feels like an abuse of power when they go "That's classified, cant tell you for national security reasons." to our own Congressmen and women. It's Burlison's seemingly blind acceptance of there being a massive lack of oversight on these programs where not even Burlison knows how much money has been and is being spent. I can only hope the field hearing takes Burlison's statement and makes him eat it. I don't care about little green men. I care about the Constitution and getting answers on how much tax payer money they've spent and where. I want these SAPs shut down or given proper Congressional oversight. I fully believe there is tech we can make public and it not be a national security issue. For crying out loud, China and Russia are still barely in the crawl phase of their 5th generation fighters and here we are shortly to announce 6th gen fighters and just announced successful testing of an AI piloted F-16. We've been technologically ahead of China and Russia by decades for decades. The larger this gap has grown, the more obvious it has become.

My current thoughts have a few concerns. For one I hope we haven't gotten so far ahead we've become arrogant. And two, that the private defense companies working on these SAPs aren't nefarious with intentions of a highly controlled monopoly over advanced reverse engineered technology.

Another view to hold is this topic was to be our technological ace up our sleeve over our enemies and one so good we want our enemies so in the dark that not even our own Congress knows what is going on or how much it is costing. Smells like a fear-based reaction to the idea of "If our enemies can see how much we are spending, they'll figure out our secret programs, and try to beat us to the punch."

Option 1) The government knows vastly more and has achieved great progress on reverse engineering and is overly paranoid about anyone knowing anything.

Option 2) The government knows a fair amount more, they've reversed somethings, are overly paranoid of a mass public freak out to the truth the government doesn't fully understand the phenomena and would be inable to protect us from hostile UFO/UAP/USOs.

Damn this is a tough one. Im gonna say it's probably a combination of the two.

Keep up the awesome work Matt!

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