Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) — US Senate Majority Leader
LISTEN: Laslo & Schumer
Ask a Pol asks:
Sen. Schumer what happened to your UAPDA amendment in the NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act)?
Schumer’s response:
Schumer hears our question, says nothing — as Ask a Pol waits — and proceeds to slowly enter his government-issued Black SUV with the help of an officer on his detail.
Caught our ear:
Sounds of silence.
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Below find a rough transcript of Ask a Pol’s exclusive interview with Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY), slightly edited for clarity.
TRANSCRIPT: Sen. Chuck Schumer
SCENE: After the Senate wrapped its work early Tuesday afternoon, Ask a Pol’s Matt Laslo was strolling through the marble halls of the Capitol when he saw Senate Majority Leader Schumer’s outline just outside the historic Senate Carriage Entrance.
Laslo starts stealthily speed walking — no running in the Capitol, especially around armed guards protecting congressional leaders — and he reaches the top of the stairs while Schumer’s still descending them.
Capitol Police Officer: “Appreciate it.”
Speaking to an officer on Schumer’s security detail before turning to Laslo.
Officer: “What’s up big guy?”
Laslo fist bumps the officer while quietly rushing past him and the magnetometer that greet all visitors to the Capitol.
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Matt Laslo: “Sen. Schumer what happened to your UAPDA amendment in the NDAA?”
Chuck Schumer:
Schumer obviously heard Ask a Pol’s question yet the Senate leader says nothing as he’s helped into his waiting Black SUV by a member of his security detail.
ML: “Thank you, sir.”
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