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Sen. Peters: "I don’t recall" seeing pictures of what Air Force shot down over MI in 2023

Sen. Peters: "I don’t recall" seeing pictures of what Air Force shot down over MI in 2023

Ep. 261 — Sen. Gary Peters (4-11-2024)
Sen. Gary Peters addresses the congressional press corps in the Senate Radio-TV Gallery. Photo: Matt Laslo


Sen. Gary Peters (D-MI) — Senate Armed Services Committee

LISTEN: Laslo & Peters  


Ask a Pol asks:

Did you ever see the images of what Air Force shot down over Michigan last year?

Key Peters: 

“I may have, I don’t recall,” Sen. Peters exclusively told Ask a Pol. “That was a while — that was a long time ago.”*

Congress tries to forget — but with your help we never let them move on!!!

*yet we still have lots of questions and few answers, good sir…

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Below find a rough transcript of Ask a Pol’s exclusive interview with Sen. Gary Peters (D-MI), slightly edited for clarity.

TRANSCRIPT: Sen. Gary Peters

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Matt Laslo: “Good morning, sir. Got a random one for you.”

Gary Peters: “Random? You never come up with random stuff.”

ML: “Did you ever see what the Air Force shot down over Michigan last year?”

GP: “Oh, you mean, the balloon or…?”

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ML: “Yeah, did you see images of what they shot down?”

GP: “I may have. I don’t recall. That was a while — that was a long time ago.”

ML: “I know, right? But you just don’t remember?”

GP: “I don’t recall, no.”

ML: “Fair. Have a good one, sir.”

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