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Sen. Susan Collins: "I’m very concerned" about deepfakes in 2024

Sen. Susan Collins: "I’m very concerned" about deepfakes in 2024

Ep. 7 — Sen. Susan Collins (1-23-2024)


Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME)

Ask a Pol asked:

How worried are you after seeing that Biden deepfake in the New Hampshire primary?

Key Collins:

“It’s exactly the kind of thing we’ve been worried about, is using the AI, it is remarkably easy to imitate voices or send out a video of someone who is running for office and appears to be doing something or saying something that is utterly fake. And I’m very concerned. That’s why we introduced the bill.”


This interview helped inform this feature: ‘Abuse’: Politicians are fretting about AI stealing their faces and voices

LISTEN: Susan Collins



Matt Laslo covers tech politics for WIRED, lectures on technology’s impact on government at Johns Hopkins and is the founder of Ask a Pol — a new people-powered press corps. 

Ask a Pol — asking your lawmakers your questions at your US Capitol. @AskaPol_AI