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Sen. Roger Wicker denies targeting Schumer's UAPDA in NDAA

Sen. Roger Wicker denies targeting Schumer's UAPDA in NDAA

Ep. 273 — Sen. Roger Wicker (9-25-2024)
Sen. Roger Wicker and a senior aide walk through the US Capitol Wednesday. Photo: Matt Laslo


Sen. Roger Wicker (R-MS) — Ranking Republican, Senate Armed Services Committee

LISTEN: Laslo & Wicker


Ask a Pol asks:

We heard you have a problem with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s UAPDA amendment to the NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act) — any truth to that?

Key Wicker: 

“I don't know where you would have heard that,” Sen. Roger Wicker exclusively tells Ask a Pol

ICYMI — UAPDA has a chance after the November elections


Caught our ear:

“What does that stand for?” Wicker asks Ask a Pol’s Matt Laslo.

Defense Authorization Act…*

*things we do for you, fam!

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Below find a rough transcript of Ask a Pol’s exclusive interview with Sen. Roger Wicker (R-MS), slightly edited for clarity.

No paywall because parts of this audio are hard to make out. But Ask a Pol still has bills and assistants to pay!!! Chip in?

TRANSCRIPT: Sen. Roger Wicker

Background: Laslo’s covered Wicker for Mississippi Public Broadcasting for years, so he’s used to him being quiet, if cagily so, and refusing to answer questions, though he’s also learned Wicker often ascribes much weight to the few words he does divulge while walking through the US Capitol at an almost leisurely southern pace.

Sen. Wicker and an aide walk away from Ask a Pol subscriber’s questions at the US Capitol. Photo: Matt Laslo

SCENE: As the Senate was minutes away from gaveling out until after November’s elections, Ask a Pol’s Matt Laslo spotted Sen. Roger Wicker and a senior aide strolling through the Capitol’s marble halls.

Matt Laslo: “Sen. Wicker, I was curious if in the NDAA — I heard that you...”

Roger Wicker: “What does that stand for?”

ML: “Defense Authorization Act.”

First time Wicker’s ever quizzed Laslo, and it seems Prof. Laslo got an A…

ML: “But I heard that you had some problems with Schumer's UAPDA amendment?”

RW: “I don't know where you would have heard that.”

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ML: “So it's not true?”

Awkward silence, as the three keep walking, until Laslo laughs.

Wicker Aide: “You got his statement?”

ML: “That's my question.”

RW: “No, the statement that came out on the weekend. You're asking about PDA — Presidential Drawdown [Authority] programs?”

ML: “No. U-A-P-D-A — Schumer's amendment with Rounds.”


ML: “So no comment? Thank you.”

Wicker says something inaudible as they keep walking. Laslo stops, snaps some pics and then heads in the opposite direction, where he had been heading...

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