For what it's worth, Matt, I wouldn't have thought you worth following if not for you showing up on reddit a few times with great reporting. Then again, the subscriber only content wasn't there, just an added bonus when I subscribed.
They seem somewhat demoralized. Guessing the GOP is not wanting to pursue this it sounds like from Garcia and Biden isn’t going to do anything until the election.
Yes, but only the Committee and Subcommittee chairs can issue subpoenas and call hearings. (I believe) And forming a special committee requires action by the Speaker. Neither Luna, Burchett, nor Ogles are members of even the National Security subcommittee under the Oversight committee. They need to acquire the support of others in order to advance this issue. They don’t have much congressional power to wield right now.
Good work Matt, thanks again mate :)
For what it's worth, Matt, I wouldn't have thought you worth following if not for you showing up on reddit a few times with great reporting. Then again, the subscriber only content wasn't there, just an added bonus when I subscribed.
They seem somewhat demoralized. Guessing the GOP is not wanting to pursue this it sounds like from Garcia and Biden isn’t going to do anything until the election.
Can’t they still subpoena them via the chair or special committee and question them about everything discussed in the SCIF on the House floor?
Yes, but only the Committee and Subcommittee chairs can issue subpoenas and call hearings. (I believe) And forming a special committee requires action by the Speaker. Neither Luna, Burchett, nor Ogles are members of even the National Security subcommittee under the Oversight committee. They need to acquire the support of others in order to advance this issue. They don’t have much congressional power to wield right now.
Amateur hour. Apparently the grownups are in Senate Intel and Armed Services committees (maybe). Gang of Eight are you our only hope?
Well, on to the hearings!